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Gill Randall is a Chartered HCPC Registered Physiotherapist and Complementary Holistic


General Data Protection Regulations. Supporting you and your privacy.


Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, process, and disclose your information, including Personal Medical Data in accordance with the GDPR 2018.


  • You have made initial contact with Clinic staff about receiving treatment;

  • Before you decide to proceed, we will take initial contact information from you by phone or email, and arrange a personal appointment;

  • At the appointment you have an opportunity to ask question before you decide whether to proceed, or not. If you do not, your contact details will be destroyed;

  • You will need to give your written positive consent if you wish to receive treatment and for us to hold your personal data to comply with the GDPR 2018. The date of your consent will also be recorded;

  • The information we collect from you will include your name, postal and email address, phone number(s) and more sensitive information regarding gender, age, occupation, location, history, medical and other demographic information and medical insurance details;

  • Your personal data will be held in hard copy and stored confidentially in a locked cabinet;

  • Your personal data will also be recorded and held in electronic format on our personal computers that are accessed by password and protected by effective security software;

  • Your personal data will be processed by Clinic staff in order to produce medical records and reports, invoices and financial records;

  • Your personal data may be shared with a third party who has a relevant medical interest, like a GP or Consultant without additional consent or an insurance company when additional consent has been given;

  • You can withdraw your consent at any time, but hard copy of their information will be stored securely and then destroyed once the period required for legal record keeping has been met. If there are electronic details, they will be deleted at the same time.

  • Your personal data will be kept securely as a hard copy and on our personal computers until after the period required for legal record keeping has been met.

  • When any Practice computer is changed, your data will be erased from the old computer and the Trash Bin before disposal






Bookings: 01295 812552

Our Location:

Oak Tree Cottage,

Berry Hill Road, Adderbury,

Banbury OX17 3HF




Mon   7.30am - 7.00pm
Tues   7.30am - 5.00pm
Wed   9.00am - 5.00pm

Thurs  7.30am - 7.00pm
Fri       7.30am - 5.00pm

© 2022 Gill Randall

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